Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Existential thought for the day....

"What a mom learns by knowing a child from its first tiny flutter is nothing less than how a human being is formed. Motherhood forces us to understand, if only so we can teach it to our children, what really matters in the small space we each have between birth and death. And the easiest way for me to learn this lesson is by living in deep, penetrating kinship with other human beings -- by living, in other words, in a family."
-Margaret Renkl

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Funky hyper links

Note..when clicking on inexplicably funky hyper links in Parent messages below, for some reason, the pages are loading at the end of the post, rather than the beginning. Just scroll up to read on....sorry!

A Parent In Silver Spring: Take the words out of my mouth

The Mommy Guilt Missive- properly cited..

A Parent In Silver Spring: Take the words out of my mouth

A Parent In Silver Spring: Parenting in Silver Spring

mostly true (however, I don't know one stay at home Dad...do you?)

Anyway, pretty funny.

A Parent In Silver Spring: Parenting in Silver Spring