Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Noah in the news...

Noah in the Potomac Almanac last week.....

Saturday, October 20, 2007

It's a........

boy! (Right side of bottom pic is a shot of tush and boys parts pointing to the left ;-)). Yes..I am the proud mama of 3 little boys. I adore my boys, can't wait to meet our new little fellow! So when we weren't able to identify the gender on Thursday, I decided to investigate 3D sonogram. Long story short, Paul Jake, Noah, and Heather and Charlotte and myself went this morning to a great place in Potomac (their machines are newer and of better resolution than what my OB uses), and in no time at all, saw evidence of boy-ness! Anyway, in retrospect, I'm very happy that we found out on our own! Another month seems like an eternity! So here are a few pics. More soon!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


while everything health-wise is fine with the baby, the sonographer was unable to determine the baby's gender today (partly because baby wasn't moving around so much, partly because the tech didn't seem terribly motivated to get the info anyway). So, argh! I am frustrated beyond belief and am in total disbelief that I have to wait another entire month before we can learn more about this baby! I'm thankful that all seems well, but was just so excited to learn the gender, and today was just a huge let down. In the whole grand scheme, not a big problem, but I'm definitely bummed.....

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Jake's 4th Birthday and other news....

The cake that Mommy made!

Jake and pals at the bowling alley.

Noah enjoys Jake's birthday breakfast!

Jake turned 4 years old last Wednesday- he was far more excited about taking cupcakes to school than about the presents that we had for him (briefly, at least!). We got him a 2-wheeler bicycle that he likes, but is a little scared of, too. His "CARS" themed bowling birthday party was attended by 12 of his pals. It was fun, the kids enjoyed playing duckpins, and I didn't have to cook or clean up anything! ;-)

Later on Saturday, the grandparents came over for dinner and we celebrated birthday party #3. At this point, it was getting a little ridiculous, but Jake really enjoyed himself.

Jake takes a spin on his new bike!

Otherwise, Adam received news 2 weeks ago that he passed the Colorado Bar exam on the first try! He's being sworn in on 10/22 and my parents will be driving (yes, I said driving!) to Denver to attend.

And finally, we're anxiously awaiting our sonogram on Thursday. Can't wait to know how our family will be growing changing! Short post, not much time, will write more on Thursday, I'm sure!