Saturday, November 25, 2006

Friday, November 10, 2006

I love Carville....

"Pennsylvania is Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between."

-James Carville, quoted in A Democrat for Main Street, The Washington Post, 8/16/06

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Get out the vote............AKA wake up and smell the corruption....

from husband of an acquaintance's blog...who so eloquently put what I haven't been able to put into words:

"Political strategist Lee Atwater once famously told Richard Nixon that the path to victory was dividing the country in half -- and that Republicans would have the biggest half. Whereas Reagan and Bush I went through the motions of building consensus, George W. Bush has spent his entire time in office following the Atwater model. And now we're split, and I wonder if there's any way to reconcile the two halves. Listening to Bush campaign this week for embattled Republican incumbants, I can't help but think that this is a man who knows that he's only President to the Republican voters -- that he doesn't even pretend to be President to the whole country. He and his supporters don't believe that Democrats and non-conservative independents are their countrymen -- they see us as an enemy as irredemable as al Qaeda. It's like we've been split into two nations -- one of right wing extremes, and a disenfranchised one that contains everyone else."


Friday, October 13, 2006

Two nuggets of funny for the day.....

from my brother:

1. Fart = Funny

2. Everything is better with bacon.

Thanks E.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Life is funny....not funny, "haha"...but funny, "WTF"?

just when things seem like they're going along smoothly....

for starters, my parents' dog, King, vanished into thin air yesterday morning. My Dad let him out at 9am as he does every morning, and King never returned. Mind you, King is nearly 15 years old, fairly deaf, and probably blind, with severe arthritis in his hind legs. He also pretty much stopped eating about a week ago, but for some strange reason, got up and ate a good breakfast yesterday morning..the day that he disappeared. My parents looked for 5 straight hours yesterday around the very small town that they live in (that is bordered by 2 major highways)....and found nothing. The police and fire department have been called, as has every pound and humane society in the telephone book (yes, they still use those in New Alexandria), posted "lost dog" fliers with promise of reward around town, and have dispatched everyone within earshot to find King-o. And nothing. Seriously. Where the hell is the goddamned dog? Yes, King was old, and didn't have much time left to begin with, but we're all worried that he's suffering, and it's pretty sad, to say the least. Paul and I used to joke that King would never die, as he seemed to have 9 lives (he certainly outlived my healthy, spry young pup, Jessie)...and Paul thinks that this is King's final act of defiance..."I may be dead, I may not'll never know". I know, he's just a dog...but those of you who are dog parents, you know that it runs a lot deeper. Poor Kingy......

Other shitty events today as well, but nothing to discuss here. More later..

Thursday, September 21, 2006

My sentiments exactly..... - Commentary:�The reality of 'Grey's Anatomy' - Sep 21, 2006

I don't get into TV that much, but Grey's Anatomy rocks. You should check it out if you haven't already!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

These probably only amuse me........

Lewis Black (from Silver Spring), on Silver Spring...

"Its only claim to fame is that it's the largest unincorporated city in America. In other words, we were too lazy to govern ourselves. The town motto was, 'I'd like to vote, but I don't feel like driving."

"It's like growing up nowhere."

Lewis Black - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Letting it all hang out.....

This is what I used to look like (yeah, that's me on the right):

This is what I look like now:

Why the photo history? Because I joined Weight Watchers today. The actual public...with others like myself. Don't think I ever imagined that I'd be there, the past 10 years...I've gotten married, had 2 children, finished my doctorate.....and gained 75....yes, 75 pounds. My battle with myself over my weight is something that I've typically kept to myself. I can't explain the sudden need for disclosure, but maybe if it's public, I'll be more committed. I know that I can't be a 22 year old hippie again (as I was in the picture), but I can be the active, healthful person that I used to be. It's hard to find the time and motivation and energy to fight the inertia (particularly when Mr. Noah Louis still gets up in the middle of the night), but I want to be fit so that I can enjoy my boys to the fullest and so that I can be a good role model for that maybe they can avoid these battles in their lives. I'm starting tomorrow. Operation Slimdown.

Jacob is SO over meeting new relatives....

Jacob meets his new baby cousin for the first time...

Clearly, he is not impressed...

Perhaps he'll re-evaluate when he realizes that this little guy doesn't live with us!

Ravenstahl Sworn In As New Mayor of Pittsburgh- Yahoo! News

Wow. Ravenstahl is my brother, Adam's, college roommate from Washington and Jefferson.

Ravenstahl Sworn In As New Mayor of Pittsburgh - Yahoo! News

Friday, September 01, 2006

Here are the pictures, Elizabeth!

My dear friend, Elizabeth, requested some new photos of the boys on my blog. I've been so enamoured with the "BlogThis!" function that I've forgotten to update on the happenings of the brief...

Noah is sitting up and cutting a tooth and eating solid food (he LOVES his cereal, fruit, and veggies). He also has a cold. Despite it all, he is very happy and smiley and he adores his big brother. We think that he is brilliant.

Paul decided to begin potty training Jacob last Saturday (apparently we have to do the training...I just thought that one day Jacob would come to us and say, "Okay, I'm peeing on the potty today". Not so much how it really works). I have to admit that I was very scared on day 1...scared of the mess that we were going to create in our house and the general inconvenience of not-very-absorbent underwear (Elmo, Spiderman, Cars, and Thomas the Tank Engine tighty-whities, I might add)....and by 1p, we'd been through 6 pairs of pants! However, things improved rapidly, and he is doing exceptionally well! accidents at all! We've even ventured out of the house twice without incident (I am very afraid that he will pee in my car...hasn't happened!). Anyway, so sorry about all of the potty talk, but any parent...hell, anyone who's changed a diaper can relate to what a banner day it is when you can get a child out of diapers! Also, Jacob has a cold. Daycare. Surprise, surprise. We also think that Jacob is brilliant.

Speaking of daycare, Jake and Noah's school was closed this entire week for "staff training" they do every year at this time, but usually we're at the beach so no big deal. Not this year...thanks so much to Mom, who worked 24 hours, then got in the car and drove 4 hours to watch the kids all day..and the next day, before getting in the car to drive 4 hours, go to bed, and work a full day...above and beyond the call of duty...thank you.... and Louise for pinch-hitting today, thanks for all of your help...Paul and I are very excited to send Jake to daycare next week so that they can deal with the potty least during the day!

Not much else happening...we actually have not one plan this weekend...that NEVER happens. Don't know what we'll do with ourselves. Chill with the boys...and I have a fantasy of sleeping in one of the three days....that would be divine! Actually, over the past few weeks, (since Noah's been about 6 months old), our family time has become more relaxed and less chaotic. I'm convinced that the first 6 months with a baby in the house is chaos, pure and simple....but we're heading out of that phase, and Noah enjoys Jake and Jake enjoys Noah, and Noah is a little less dependent on me (just a little)....and we're having a lot of fun. It's all very sweet.

Friday, August 25, 2006

I'm a giant dork, I know.....but.......

I was still pretty excited to meet Bruce Hornsby last evening. Great concert at Wolftrap, Paul and I picnicked on the lawn...enjoyed a rare evening out. Great setlist, a lot of stuff that he doesn't play that often, and some Grateful Dead tunes that we figured he'd abandoned. Anyway, like I said, I'm a big dork. But at least I can admit it!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Malapropism: Ludicrous misuse of a word, especially by confusion with one of similar sound.

Examples of malapropisms and other ridiculous statements heard within my brother's office. He keeps tally!

Vivid was used for livid:

I am absolutely vivid because Frank won’t answer me.

Gloating was used instead of glowing:

Denise is gloating because she got married over the weekend.

Fiction was used in place of friction:

Before we had these meetings, there was a lot of fiction between the employees and the managers.

Divulge was used instead of indulge:

After Steve leaves for work, I divulge in the kitchen because food is my companion.

Fatigues was used instead of physique.

That wrestler has a great fatigues.

380 degrees was used instead of 180 degrees…

The ship did a 380!

There is a t-shirt that says, “There’s no I in T-E-A-M.. but there is in Kiss my ass!” -- WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?

I’m taking my daughter to look at Kutztown University. – Only she pronounced it cunts-town.

It’s the whole nine feet! - Instead of the whole nine yards..!

King of Russia Mall, instead of King of Prussia!

Ex-lax was confused with anthrax:

Oh my God, Frank, there’s an ex-lax scare in New York and people are running everywhere!

Mispronounced Al-Qaeda.. And the question.. Has she been in a cave for the past six years?

Brian, what is Al-Cotta? (sounds like terra cotta!)

Her friend drives a PC cruiser.

VICES was used instead of versus

Going to the shore VICES going to the mountains.

She misspelled “donuts” and used “is” instead of “are”

There is donates on the back table… Enjoy!

She had to take sick family because her daughter had the chicken pots.

Confused pneumonia with ammonia

She was off sick with ammonia.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Buddy's Report Card

Verbatim from Buddy's report card that he received after his recent stay at Dogwood Acres ( while we were in the Outer Banks:

"Buddy did good during his stay. He ate well, and was good for his bath. The only problem we had was with excessive humping in the yard, he would not listen and had to be removed. He ended up having to be put in the yard by himself. He may have just been overstimulated this stay".

Um, yeah. That must be it.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Already they're becoming's the most amazing thing that I've ever seen!


Paul and I were talking yesterday about what our top 5 all time favorite songs were. It's tougher than you think to nail down. Was thinking my list might look something like (in no particular order). Yeah..I'll have to think about this anyone's top five list really static? Honestly?!:

1. Rocket Queen- Guns and Roses
2. Estimated Prophet- Grateful Dead
3. Dancing Nancies- Dave Matthews Band
4. Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town- Pearl Jam
5. Turn Back the Pages- Crosby, Stills, and Nash

Okay....since I'm making lists, Paul recently posted his favorite websites on his blog, and he speculated, very inaccurately (;-) about mine....he thinks that the ONLY thing that I do online is shop! So not true! So here are my favorites.....

1. CNN (see, I'm into the news, too!)
2. Washington Post (see...more news!)
3. People Magazine (okay, I'm a sucker for celeb gossip, but I don't like to pay for it; People puts enough juice on their site to satisfy my curiosity....
4. entertaining bits from local shock jock....interestingly, whose wife shares my OB; saw them in the waiting room when I was pregnant with Noah....
5. www. just check this one out! fabulous!

Okay, I didn't say that I NEVER shop online, just not as much as Paul would believe...

6. Coach
7. Nordstrom
8. Amazon
9. IMDB (not shopping, obviously!)


10. My Yahoo.....

hmmmm....not so thrilling a list, and afterall, who really cares?! This is what I do with my time now that the diss is done? How shameful.....

Dr. Me

I've fantasized about graduating for sooooo long, I cannot believe that I'm finally done. So I'm still gazing at the new letters behind my name, trying to get used to it all. Graduation weekend (5.20.06) was just awesome...perfect! My Dad flew up from Myrtle Beach on Friday and my Mom drove down from PA...we hung out with Noah while Paul and Jake went to an Orioles/Nationals game.

Graduation Day was awesome, but hectic- breakfast in the AM with the Psychology was great to see classmates and professors; reminded me of what a nurturing and supportive environment I experienced at Loyola...and reminded me of what a long road it has been. When I began graduate school, it was September 1999; I was 25 years old and single! Oh how things have changed! My super dissertation committee chair even flew out from California just to hood me...have I mentioned that he rocks!

The graduation ceremony was typical, however Bob Costas gave, by far, the most entertaining commencement address of any of my 4 graduation! He was hysterical, I wish I had it on video.

Following the ceremony, a mad dash back to our house to meet up with various folks, and off to the fabulous dinner party planned by Paul (have I mentioned that he spoils me!); great to see folks from near and far; thanks to Mom and Dad, Aunt Susan and Uncle Denny, Ang and Joel, Lisa and Cole, and Eric and Adam, for traveling very long distances to join in the celebration. Also, it was great to reconnect with the local folks, including Aunt Jo, Ena and Tom, Lance, Rick and Jennifer, and Sarah.

Party continued at my house...but I must confess that I went to bed relatively early....I'm still getting up to feed Noah in the middle of the night, after all!

Great weekend, very bummed when it ended!

Just a few pics from Mother's Day, 2006

This year, I asked Paul to give me a simple, and yet oh so valuable gift. As much as I adore my boys, I really needed a break for Mother's Day...just an afternoon nothing....and it was fabulous! Thanks,'re a spectacular father and a great spoil me!

We also had brunch with Dan, Louise, Heather, Dave, and the kids....was a lot of is my favorite pic of the boys and I, so far.....

Final Defense- April 21, 2006

Already feels like a long time ago; my final diss defense was on Friday, 4.21.06. It was overall a very pleasant and enjoyable experience. All of the advice that I'd been given by those who'd gone before was true; this time, I was the expert, and nobody else knew my project as well as I did. During the days leading to my defense, I was feeling increasingly anxious, but I reminded myself that this was just part of the process, and I decided to step back and enjoy the process rather than feel nervous about it. After all, a 2 hour defense of my project was nothing compared to the year of hell that I spent working at St. Elizabeths, when considering Noah's ordeal following his birth, I was again reminded that, as important as my diss was, well, it was just school. And I've been in school for a hell of a long time and I've gotten kind of good at it.

I have to say that my dissertation committee and my chair were extremely supportive and the defense felt more like a discussion than an adversarial situation as some defenses can be. My chair rocked, I couldn't have asked for a better mentor. So following my defense, Paul organized a surprise celebration for me at home, and I grinned from ear to ear for several days...I hadn't fully realized the weight that would be lifted when the diss was done. Anyway, enough about that...people who have done or who are working on a diss get what I'm saying, and those who've been spared are probably bored silly, so I'll stop!

Friday, March 31, 2006

Done, Done, Done, Done, Done, Done, Done!!!!

It's 2:10 am on April 1, 2006- my dissertation deadline is here! My printer is droning away, printing out a document that I've only seen on my computer screen thus far. I'm so excited to look at it that I'm pulling each page out one by one as it prints...waiting for the whole document is taking too damn long! Here I sit, listening to my printer, staring at my empty glass of chocolate milk. Noah is asleep in his car seat on the bed behind me (that's where he likes to sleep these days), and Buddy is curled up on the bed beside him. Paul and Jacob have been asleep for hours. I am relieved, shocked, elated, tired...I can't believe that this headache that I've had for the past three years (called "dissertation") is almost behind me. It may sound masochistic, but part of me has been enjoying these all-nighters..because it's probably the end of them for me. Sure I'll have the all-nighters with my newborn, but the coffee-drinking, bleary eyed, plowing-through-a-project work, is coming to an end. It's the bittersweet ending of this long road of graduate school, that started nearly 7 years ago, and is now ending. Interestingly, I realized recently that it's been 10 years since I graduated from a blink, it will be 10 years since I finished my doctorate...I don't want the time to fly...I want to relish all of it, even the 4am worknights....So now I prepare my presentation for my final defense, on April 21, when I discuss my project in front of my committee, and answer whatever questions that they will have for me...and then I will be finished. I really can't believe it.......

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Dissertation Countdown....5....4...3...2...1...

My dissertation baby is a trooper....he just chills on the pillow while I type over him....sometimes......These past few weeks have been insane....well, it's been insane since about 2/15/06....but I've definitely taken it up a few notches over the past few weeks. 5 days from now I am required to submit my complete final dissertation draft to my committee. I have been working night and day (while not nursing or changing diapers) to meet this deadline. As is usual, the imposition of a deadline (not my own) finally got my ass into gear to finish. I have been getting little to no sleep at all...maybe 2 -3 hours a night...and I'm NOT a zombie...yet....which is strange. Here is where I think that 6 weeks with a newborn conditioned me to need no sleep at all. A good thing; for now. Been drinking too much coffee, been sleeping in my clothes, grossly neglecting household duties...indulging in my sweets addiction because that's what I do when I'm stressed...and this project is hell, I have to say, it's tedious and brutal and I have to think alot harder than I'd like to be right now..but somehow I'm getting it done despite myself. I spent a lot of time doing the mindless, time-consuming formatting and the hateful tables, and the umpteen pages of references....all mindless, but so time-consuming. Now I'm let with the part where I have to think REALLY hard, to tie it all together, to explain what I did and why, and why it means something. I just closed my eyes and jumped in...I'll see what I've written when I look again in the morning...I'm just too tired to read right now........Anyway, it's 2:30am and I am rambling, I realize...but I really see the light at the end of the tunnel. Finally- 6.5 years later...part of me is euphoric..and disbelieving that it's almost over...another, well..ambivalent. Life goes on...I turn in my "paper"...present my findings in a few weeks....get another diploma in another few weeks.....I guess my life isn't really focused on work...or school right now, so the accomplishment is a little lost...I'm wrapped up in diapers, playgroup, late night feedings, time-outs, and trying to help Jacob to feel that his life hasn't been turned upside down while giving Noah the attention that he needs....kind of makes a "dissertation" seem a little silly, now doesn't it? Okay, I'm off for a nap until Noah wakes again....

Monday, March 20, 2006

Bouncing Baby Boy!

Noah Louis arrived on Wednesday, February 15, 2006, at 3:12pm, weighing 6lbs, 10oz! He was a bit early, and spent a bumpy week in the NICU, but all is well and he is healthy as a horse! Big Brother Jacob is very excited! More pictures/details to come soon!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

So the weatherman got it right this time.......

After several forecast false alarms this Winter, the weather folks finally got it right. Just when I was thinking that Spring was around the corner, Winter made a return. Jake had a fun morning playing in the snow with his cousins, and I wanted to share some of the pics, the snow sure does make things look pretty, doesn't it?

Lucky for me, I actually slept last night, and I worked on my dissertation all afternoon...that's good for binding my anxiety! Things are looking bright!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Ah...sleep....elusive sleep....

Those of you who know me well know that sleep is not a problem for me. As a matter of fact, before having a child, it could have been considered one of my favorite pastimes. Well wonder of all wonders, I have been granted more time than I could ever wish for in bed....and I CANNOT SLEEP! I got up at 3:30am this morning! 3:30! Are you kidding me? The kicker is, it's not frequent restroom trips or physical discomfort that is plaguing me....I'm just finding myself wide awake at the most inopportune times. So this AM, I stared at the clock off and on for 2 hours before stopping the torture and just getting up. Watched 2 episodes of Bosum Buddies (Tom Hanks was very good even 25 years ago) and 1 of Saved by the Bell (pathetic, but pickings were slim at 6am on a Saturday). Anyway, we'll see what kind of late night television I happen upon tonight.....or maybe, just maybe, sleep will happen.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Super Bowl XL

What a game! Officiating scandals aside (unfortunate!), it was a nail biter to the end. Haven't heard the first hand stories from my brother, Adam, who was in Detroit for the game...will have to recount later...if they are fit for telling!

I'm working and resting today; working from my laptop in bed, but at least I can get something done....have lots to wrap up for my job before I "officially" take leave. I figure that it will take me the rest of this week to accomplish what I need to with work, and then I'll hang it up for awhile. Back to the Dr. on Thursday- let's hope my blood pressure stays under control!

Have a great day.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

And this entry brings me up to date....

Super Bowl Sunday, 2.5.06: Here I lie, in bed, on bedrest, as I've been ordered to do so since my doctor's visit on Friday. My unruly blood pressure is through the roof despite medication, therefore I was ordered to bed. How annoying, I mean, really. I do not respond well do being told what to do, nor do I respond well to losing my independence. Thankfully, the baby stuff is mostly done, and the house stuff consists mostly of laundry and cleaning which Paul and Louise will take care of. I have 4 more reports to write for work, can do so from my laptop in bed, so I can eek out another 3-4 days with them before I officially begin leave, although they'll have to find coverage for my many IEP meetings scheduled over the next week and a half. Oh well, that's life! Paul thinks that the cosmic blessing in all of this is that I will have uninterrupted time to work on the results section of my dissertation (Chapter more to go!), which I must complete before the baby arrives. He might be right. My cap, gown, and hood are all ordered, as are my graduation announcements for the May ceremony, so the only thing in the way is the dissertation (hasn't it always been?!). However, I am determined to finish it this Spring, even if I have to write it at 4 am with an infant in my arms (that's how I completed my internship applications 2.5 years ago!). It's exciting. and scary. and exciting. But in the whole grand scheme, all is well; the baby is fine despite my bp, Jake is amazing as always, and Paul is taking good care of us all. Being bed-bound has limited my time with Jacob because he doesn't sit still for very long, which is hard for me, but he and Paul and having a great time, I suppose that it's good for Jake to get used to a little less mommy-time since I'll be caring for his little brother soon. Ahhh..change is upon us....

And on more thing.....Let's go Steelers!!!!

January 2006

I love the people who come up with snarky titles for their blog entires. I'm not so crafty myself. But I am getting caught up on this blog thing, so it's all good. January began with news that my blood pressure was rising, which brought with it, the threat of bedrest (2 months of bedrest; not good!). So I was ordered to "take it easy" (how do you do that with a 2 year old?). Needless to say, "taking it easy" didn't help, so I was put on bp medication, which did help (for awhile...see next entry). I had to cancel the baby shower that was so graciously being hosted by Mary, Angela, and Kristin, because I wasn't sure that I wouldn't be on bedrest by the time the party date arrived.

During this time, we finished the major house arranging that we needed to do for the baby; Paul painted our "new room", he and his brother drove to PA and back in one day to get my bedroom furniture from my parents' house, and we moved in (to the new room, that is). I actually like it. It's very cozy, and kind of grown-up, which is nice. I'm getting used to being a little farther away from Jake, but no one seems worse for the wear. Paul also painted the nursery and put up the crib, so we're ready to go there. I was able to organize the baby gear and wash the clothes that we had (nesting, nesting, nesting), so we're pretty much ready for baby.

At the end of Jan., Paul arranged for he and I to have a (much needed) weekend away. Jake stayed with his grandparents and we went to a B & B in Chestertown, MD. I LOVED everything about the weekend; it was so good to get away, particularly since new baby is around the corner. I'd never done the B & B thing before, so it was alot of fun; tea in the afternoon, breakfast in the AM. We had no TV (imagine that!) so Paul and I hung out in a parlor at the Inn and played Scrabble for half the was a nice change of pace. Check it out for yourself at I'm a little obsessed with the place, it was soooo relaxing, the food was so yummy, and I had so much for being away with Paul, that I want to go back! Soon! Paul did an A+++++ job planning the perfect weekend.........

Holidays 2005

Whew- December is always a trip in the Zeitlin family, with Hanukkah, Christmas, and everyone's birthday (Heather, Lee, Louise, Dan, and my Dad!). This year was very special because Jacob started to understand what Christmas was all about (Jesus's birthday, for those of you who were thinking, "presents!"). We had a great time decorating for the holidays, setting up our model trains in the basement, and spending lots of time with family. Christmas Eve dinner was spent at Heather and Dave's, and the kids had a great time, to say the least. I was very excited to spend Christmas morning in our own home (hadn't done that before!), so we started our own little holiday tradition (Circus waffles for all!). Jacob was a little overwhelmed by the idea of Santa, however he quickly warmed to the idea when he saw some of his new toys. We enjoyed Christmas dinner at Dan and Louise's, spent the night there, and traveled to PA the following day to see my family. Jacob went nuts for his Papap's model train display that he and my brothers had put together just for Jacob. It was great to see the old trains that I remember from when I was young. And those of you who know Jake, know that he is train-obsessed right now, and he still talks about Papap's trains almost daily!

Hanukkah overlapped with Christmas this year, so we celebrated the first night of the holiday with Dan and Louise after Christmas dinner! Paul and Jake and I even brought the Menorah to PA with us...we're a multicultural family! After spending a few days in PA, we returned to MD to rest for a (very short day) before family obligations arose again. We had our Zeitlin family Hanukkah dinner and celebration on Friday, and then Saturday (New Years' Eve) was Louise and Lelands' birthdays, so we attended a party in their honor. As it was New Years' Eve, Paul and I were very fortunate that Heather's mom offered to watch Jacob along with Lee and Charlotte, so that we could go out for the evening, which we did. Had a great time, managed to hang longer than I thought I would (given my preggo status) and we had a lot of fun.

As you can see, December is whirlwind in my family. On January 1, the holiday hangover usually begins!

Thanksgiving 2005

We hosted the all of the grandparents for Thanksgiving Dinner at our house. Paul did a wonderful job preparing the turkey and fixings, as he always does (Thanksgiving is his specialty!). His brined turkey and sausage stuffing were fabulous! Aunt Jo, Sarah, Nathan, and Peter and their cousin and Sarah's friend joined us for dessert (Pecan-Chocolate Chunk Pie; yum!). Despite my parents harrowing drive to join us (through a PA blizzard), we all had a great time.

Halloween 2005

Jake dressed up as.....who else?? ELMO this year for Halloween. He had alot of fun trick-or-treating with his cousins...once he realized that he was getting candy at each stop, he was very enthusiastic about the whole event! His favorite candies (and the messiest) were lollipops, hands down! Also included are some pictures of a visit to a pumpkin farm with friends Nate, Kristin, and Clay...

Jacob's 2nd Birthday...10/10/05

We celebrated Jacob's 2nd birthday at home with family on 10/9/05. Grandma came to visit from PA and baked Jake's very special Sesame Street birthday cake herself! Jacob had a great time playing with his cousins and grandparents. He also received tons of very nice gifts, among which were a tricycle (his "motorcycle" as he calls it), a tool bench, new trains and a train table, and a Magnadoodle.....And Aunt Jo and Cousin Sarah treated Jacob to a visit to Build-A-Bear, where he chose to make....a dog, of course! He loves his little doggie.....


Well, I'm a very bad blogger; last entry, 10/8! I've got ample time to update now, since I'm homebound until the baby arrives due to some unruly blood pressure. Will try to catch up briefly on the past 4 goes......