1. Having 3 children is much easier than having 2: When I was home with Jake and Noah when Noah was an infant, I had a very difficult time keeping Jake entertained and happy, and as a result, we had a lot of acting out. Now, Jake and Noah are such great friends- they get up in the morning and just start playing together- I swear, they don't even really need us sometimes! While they all need their special individual Mommy time, I think that now, they have each other, and so neither feel left out in the cold when I have to attend to Aaron.
2. Noah is no middle child: By number, of course he is, but I was very concerned about him feeling displaced, particularly because he's always been a Mommy's boy. Noah and Jake both are so kind, gentle, and loving to Aaron, I couldn't ask for better big brothers for him. Noah kisses Aaron all of the time (always asking for, and waiting for permission), and Jake wants to hold Aaron whenever he can (until he cries- then I get him back!).
3. Aaron is easy: Jake wouldn't eat when he was an infant, and Noah wouldn't sleep unless he was held. I had an inkling when Aaron wasn't breech, that he was trying to be cooperative- and hoped against hope that I had finally earned my "easy" baby. Seems to be so far! He has his moments, but generally, he's pretty predictable!
4. I'm not as tired as I remembering being with the others: but perhaps with 3 kids, I've reached maximum fatigue and just can't get any more tired!
5. I love being a mommy more than anything else: I adore my children. Being a mom is my most favorite thing. I could have 3 more kids (don't worry, my body won't let me), I adore these little people!
6. Paul and I hang out more now than ever: So much for children straining relationships- we hang out for hours every evening after Jake and Noah go to bed- and we already have a date night planned (still working on a babysitter...anyone? anyone?) ;-)
7. We've watched tons of movies lately: Good movies- Michael Clayton, The Nanny Diaries, Evan Almighty (it really wasn't bad!); Bad movies- Sicko (I don't mind Michael Moore- Fahrenheit 9/11 still makes my blood boil), but this was awful- not so much an indictment of US healthcare overall- more composed of individual anecdotal horror stories -the individuals probably could have fought and won the battles with their insurance companies- I know that I would have. It was like Super-size Me but regarding healthcare- stilted, so the arguments were less potent); Perfect Stranger (Halle Berry is bad, bad, bad...)....geez...can't remember what else we've seen.
8. Daytime entertainment: As Aaron doesn't say much and the big boys still go to school 3 days per week, I will say this- I watch more TLC and Discovery Health than anything. I LOVE Real Simple magazine, and while Rachael Ray annoys the crap out of me, her magazine has GREAT simple and quick recipes for the family.
Awesome! Everything sounds like it is going great. Are you ready for three in daycare?! It will be such a relief when they actually start school. We are off the last full week of March, starting on the 21st. Let me know if we can come by for a visit. Talk to you soon, Lisa
PLay season is in a sharp decline, so My evenings free up like crazy.
let me know when you need a sitter. I have to try and get in good bonding time now just inc ase I end up going off to school not in MD... CA is looking promising....
Can't go off and have my favorite little men forgetting who I am...
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