Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Excavators are very distracting to 4-year old boys and girls.....

This we learned at Jacob's soccer practice last Saturday. The scene directly adjacent to the soccer field:

Number of times the kids had to be recalled to the field after drifting, slack-jawed and eyes-glazed: innumerable!

Fall is here! Thank goodness; I'm so done with summer. Done with the swampy, sticky heat. Jake loves playing soccer, and he's fairly good at it (he's always had good aim!).

Noah likes to chase after the big boys....

Otherwise, we're all doing very well! I am just about 16 weeks along, feeling great, haven't gain but a few pounds, and thanks to the awesome nutritionist that I go to, my blood pressure is the lowest that it's been in a very long time (120-130ish/70-80ish)!!! I go to the OB tomorrow, and pushing for my next sono SOON!!! I want to know this baby's gender! Believe me when I say that I REALLY don't care either way, I really don't! I adore my boys, and would be happy with another, but a girl would be....well...unexpected, to say the least! Anyway, I'm very curious. Will post when we know!

Noah is having eye surgery soon; he's had blocked tear ducts since infancy, and as his hasn't resolved (as they usually do), the time has come for intervention. It sounds like a very minor procedure, actually- he's given a general anesthetic (via mask, not IV, my mother has assured me), and the doc inserts a small wire into each tear duct to open up the blockage- it's a stuck valve, actually. The process of the anesthesia reportedly takes longer than the procedure itself. We'll schedule...well....when Children's calls us with an opening...I feel bad for little Noey, but it's quick and not very invasive, so he shouldn't be in much or any discomfort afterwards, we hope. Never a dull moment!

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