Sunday, February 05, 2006

And this entry brings me up to date....

Super Bowl Sunday, 2.5.06: Here I lie, in bed, on bedrest, as I've been ordered to do so since my doctor's visit on Friday. My unruly blood pressure is through the roof despite medication, therefore I was ordered to bed. How annoying, I mean, really. I do not respond well do being told what to do, nor do I respond well to losing my independence. Thankfully, the baby stuff is mostly done, and the house stuff consists mostly of laundry and cleaning which Paul and Louise will take care of. I have 4 more reports to write for work, can do so from my laptop in bed, so I can eek out another 3-4 days with them before I officially begin leave, although they'll have to find coverage for my many IEP meetings scheduled over the next week and a half. Oh well, that's life! Paul thinks that the cosmic blessing in all of this is that I will have uninterrupted time to work on the results section of my dissertation (Chapter more to go!), which I must complete before the baby arrives. He might be right. My cap, gown, and hood are all ordered, as are my graduation announcements for the May ceremony, so the only thing in the way is the dissertation (hasn't it always been?!). However, I am determined to finish it this Spring, even if I have to write it at 4 am with an infant in my arms (that's how I completed my internship applications 2.5 years ago!). It's exciting. and scary. and exciting. But in the whole grand scheme, all is well; the baby is fine despite my bp, Jake is amazing as always, and Paul is taking good care of us all. Being bed-bound has limited my time with Jacob because he doesn't sit still for very long, which is hard for me, but he and Paul and having a great time, I suppose that it's good for Jake to get used to a little less mommy-time since I'll be caring for his little brother soon. Ahhh..change is upon us....

And on more thing.....Let's go Steelers!!!!

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